Cambridge Doors & Windows is the leader in Energy Efficiency, Maintenance Free, Window & Door Security business in Fort Bend County and has been securing homes in the Houston & Fort Bend area for over 33+ years located in Stafford Texas. We carry Hurricane Security Entry & Patio Doors & Windows that will with stand Intruders and Hurricanes. We also custom build Heavy Duty Security Solid Hardwood Doors.
I have been saying for years that your Home Alarm System & Security Cameras will only notify you if someone breaks in your home. At that point, it’s too late. The security cameras will only take photos of the person breaking in your home, most of the time their faces are covered and of no help. Our job is to keep the bad guys OUT of your home completely and not enter after attempting to try to get into your home. It’s a lot more to it than just keeping your doors and windows locked. Make it so that can’t get in at all.
Most homes in Fort Bend County only have builder grade doors, windows, & door locks that are very easy to get into with ZERO effort to penetrate and get in. If you’re at home and you hear a noise outside, would you like to know they’re not getting in at all? When and if an intruder gets in your home they have generally 3-5 minutes to ransack your home and steal your possessions. By the time your alarm goes off and the police show up they’re gone and so is your belongings and your home has been torn up. Being violated in your own home is the worst feeling and your privacy has been stripped away.
STOP believing just because you have an alarm system or camera system that the bad guys can’t get in, DON’T WAIT to be a victim and call us after the fact. Call us or come by our showroom and let us show you how we can secure your home. We are a full replacement Door & Window company from front entry door units, Sidelights & Transoms, French patio doors, Gliding Doors, replacement windows, designer glass doors, storm doors, Laminated Security Glass, Custom Wood Doors, Millwork & Hardware. We are “The Best Little Door House In Texasâ€
We are A+ Rated with The Better Business Bureau, and Angie’s List.  Fort Bend County resident & Native Texan.